
BRiCKiZiMO-Toys ist die offizielle BrickArms Vertriebspartner für Deutschland und die Niederlande. Alle BrickArms Produkte sind auf den höchsten Qualitätsstandards produciert und passen perfekt in die Hände Ihrer Minifigs. Tausende von Baumeister aus der ganzen Welt nutzen BrickArms Produkte täglich, um so einen neuen Weg zum bauen und zum spielen zu entdecken.

457 Artikel gefunden

401 - 457 von 457 Artikel(n)
AC8 Assualt Carbine

AC8 Assault Carbine

€ 0,99
There are not enough products in stock
Mk19 Grenade Launcher

Mk19 Grenade Launcher

€ 6,00
There are not enough products in stock
Heavy Sci-Fi Rifle (HSR)

Space Assault Rifle (SAR)

€ 0,75
There are not enough products in stock
Combat SMG

Assault Carbine

€ 0,99
There are not enough products in stock

Combat SMG

€ 0,99
There are not enough products in stock
Auto-9 Pistole

Spy Carbine

€ 0,75
There are not enough products in stock
M23 Pistole mit LAM

Auto-9 Pistole

€ 0,99
There are not enough products in stock
Headhunter Pistole


€ 1,25
There are not enough products in stock
Longslide Automatic

M23 Pistole mit LAM

€ 0,85
There are not enough products in stock
Longslide Automatic

Pistole mit Schalldämpfer

€ 0,55
There are not enough products in stock

Longslide Automatic

€ 0,75
There are not enough products in stock


€ 0,50
There are not enough products in stock
Damien Blade


€ 0,99
There are not enough products in stock

Damien Blade

€ 0,99
There are not enough products in stock
Rapier / Degen


€ 0,75
There are not enough products in stock

Rapier / Degen

€ 0,99
There are not enough products in stock


€ 0,99
There are not enough products in stock
WW2 - Deutsche Stahlhelm - Weiß

WW2 - Deutscher Stahlhelm - Rotes Kreuz

€ 2,25
There are not enough products in stock
Amerikaner - BAR M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle

Amerikaner - M1 Garand Rifle

€ 0,99
There are not enough products in stock
HCSR Scharfschützer Gewehr

HCSR Scharfschützer Gewehr

€ 1,25
There are not enough products in stock
BrickArms APOC SMG


€ 0,99
There are not enough products in stock
M41A 'Xeno' Pulse Rifle

M41A 'Xeno' Pulse Rifle

€ 0,99
There are not enough products in stock
Universal Clip


€ 0,30
There are not enough products in stock


€ 0,30
There are not enough products in stock
Rucksack - Weiß


€ 0,25
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€ 0,35
There are not enough products in stock
Deutsch - C96 Mauser

Deutsch - C96 Mauser

€ 0,60
There are not enough products in stock


€ 0,25
There are not enough products in stock
Stun Granate

M24 Stielhandgranate

€ 0,85
There are not enough products in stock
Stun Grenade

M84 Stun Handgranate

€ 0,25
There are not enough products in stock
M6 Rocket

M6 Rakete

€ 0,25
There are not enough products in stock
Mk67 Frag Granat

M67 Frag Granat

€ 0,25
There are not enough products in stock
MK2 Frag Grenade

Mk2 Frag Granat

€ 0,45
There are not enough products in stock
Baseball Bat

Baseball Bat

€ 0,99
There are not enough products in stock
WW2 -American- M1 Steel Pot Helm

WW2 - Britisch - Brodie Helm

€ 1,10
There are not enough products in stock
Munitionskiste - Schwer

Munitionskiste - Schwer

€ 0,99
There are not enough products in stock
Moderne Militärhelm

MCH Moderne Combat Helm

€ 1,10
There are not enough products in stock
RPG Rocket Grenade

RPG Rocket Launcher

€ 0,75
There are not enough products in stock
Amerikaner - M1911 .45...

Amerikaner - M1911 .45 Pistole - Classic

€ 0,75
There are not enough products in stock
Paintball Marker

Paintball Gewehr

€ 0,59
There are not enough products in stock
M47 Tactical Shotgun

M47 Tactical Shotgun

€ 0,99
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AK Assault Rifle

AK Sturmgewehr

€ 0,99
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Magnum Revolver

Magnum Pistole

€ 0,60
There are not enough products in stock
Micro SMG

Micro SMG Uzi

€ 0,30
There are not enough products in stock
British - Lewis Gun

Briten - Lewis Gun

€ 1,25
There are not enough products in stock
M21 Sniper Rifle

M21 Scharfschützer Gewehr

€ 0,75
There are not enough products in stock
M21 Sniper Rifle with ammo, mono- and bi pod

M21 Sniper Rifle with ammo, mono- and bi pod

€ 1,50
There are not enough products in stock
Combat LMG with mono- and bi pod

Combat LMG with mono- and bi pod

€ 1,25
There are not enough products in stock
Combat LMG

Combat LMG

€ 0,75
There are not enough products in stock
American - BAR M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle

BAR M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle

€ 0,99
There are not enough products in stock
German - P08 "Luger"

Deutsch - P08 "Luger"

€ 0,95
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Combat Shotgun

Combat Shotgun

€ 0,59
There are not enough products in stock
Thompson M1A1 SMG-Classic

Thompson M1A1 SMG-Classic

€ 0,75
There are not enough products in stock


€ 0,99
There are not enough products in stock
WW2 - Deutsche Stahlhelm

WW2 - Deutscher Stahlhelm

€ 1,10
There are not enough products in stock
StG 44  “Sturmgewehr 44”

StG44 Vampire

€ 0,99
There are not enough products in stock
American - M1 Carbine

Amerikaner - M1 Carbine

€ 0,99
There are not enough products in stock